Q: What are the fees for the clinics?
A: The fees for the clinic are established by the club who is hosting the clinic based on
the guidelines of the provincial body.
Q: How long will the clinic be?
A: The Small Sided Clinic is 6 hour (it might change from OSA from year to year) but
bottom line is that is usually only one day and further details depend on the instructor. As
for the Entry level clinic: Usually is 16 hours course and the clinic is two days (usually
one weekend). Timing is the same: 8 hours per day for two consecutive days for example
(9am-5pm on each day) and again it depends on the instructor.
Q: Is there any quiz (test) involved BEFORE the clinic?
A: Small Sided Clinic – The instructions will come to you from the Instructor of the
Clinic. For small sided clinic, you will need to print and study the Work book and in most
cases you will be asked to take the book with you at the clinic because you will be doing
the questionnaire at the clinic ( so that’s why you’re not doing it on line). Please wait to
get instructions from your clinic’s instructor as they may vary from clinic to clinic)
Entry Level Clinic: The instructions will come to you from the Instructor of the Clinic.
For Entry Level there is a document called Work book which you will need to print out
from the web and then bring it along at the clinic. At the same time you will need to study
it at home and do the pre test on line, before the clinic. I emphasize: Please wait to get
instructions from your clinic’s instructor as they may vary from clinic to clinic)
Q: Is there any quiz (test) involved AFTER the clinic?
A: Small Sided Clinic- YES, there is a test involved at the end, which is usually done on
line from home, after you take the clinic. You will find out the details at the clinic.
Entry Level: YES – For the Entry level there is a test at the end of the clinic, you will
have to write a mandatory test, usually on line, after the clinic, which you will have to
pass. You will find out the details at the clinic. If you fail to pass the test you will not be
eligible to ref, or at least not till you retake and pass the test (in the past ref candidates
have been offered one retake free of charge).
Q: When do I know my final test results after the Entry level clinic?
A: It might not be on the same day as the test. In most cases you will be informed directly
via email via E2E.
Q: In the following years what should I do to retain my refereeing status?
A: You will get an email sometime in February or March directly from OSA ref’s
department via E2E giving you all the details. Generally the practice in the past has been
that on the following year, in order for you to be in good standing with OSA all returning
refs, be it Small Sided or Entry Level (they become District refs) have to take these steps
to renew your membership with the OSA by doing three things: 1. taking on line quiz / 2.
Paying your membership fee / and 3. Signing the waiver; after that you will need to
attend one mandatory refreshing clinic for refereeing youth league or two for rep games.
There are different clinics offered by our club. You must attend only one of them. These
clinics are free of charge, no signing upfront, just show up and sign on the spot. Although
there might be quizzes and ref items mind teasers there are not mandatory tests involved.
Q: What happens AFTER I pass the test and I become a ref?
A: You then look for clubs who require your services, including our club: PYSC (read all
articles on ref’s corner on our web to find out the details). Once you do then fill out the
form on the web (when is ready) and submit it to me.
All the information provided above is courtesy of the club and of myself. If you need to
know more then you should visit OSA’s website at www.ontariosoccer.net and click on
the referee’s icon at the top.
Yours in soccer,
Fevri Pazari
Club Head Ref