On Saturday, July 23rd, 2022, PYSC will hold the end of season game day and pizza party for the U4/5 age division. Boys teams will play 2 games (25 minutes each – no halftime) at 10:30am and 11:00am followed by the handing out of medals, pizza and juice. Girls teams will play 2 games (25 minutes each – no halftime) 11:30am and 12:00pm followed by the handing out of medals, pizza and juice. Team photos taken earlier in the season will also be handed out on this day.
If you cannot attend the games/party, please contact your coach about receiving your team photo and Tim Hortons medal. If you coach did not pick up the extras that day, please contact pysc@cogeco.net to arrange pick up.
Please click the below link to see the game schedules for Saturday, July 23rd: