Getting Games

Our Club does NOT assign games through E2E refcentre so please be aware of it. I only assign games through my own system via PYSC-PCSA links on web. I only assign games for the youth recreational soccer PYSC. 

PYSC Game assignment system

Briefly: We assign games every 3 weeks so with our 14 week season there will be 5 availability dates:

Do not worry as I will send you the link as a friendly reminder each of the Fridays below or day after however be aware that you can submit from the moment I send it to you till 6pm Friday night. No availability will be accepted after 6pm deadline on each of Fridays below.

Fri May 17

Fri June 6

Fri June 28

Fri July 19

Fri Aug 9 

You don’t have to remember those dates because I will email you on those dates the link as a friendly reminder ( only submit on the day indicated on the timeline indicated) and then you will simply have to click on a drop down menu your name and the dates that you would be available):

PYSC Referee Availability


Then by Saturday night the latest, rare cases Sunday morning too,  I will assign you the games within your availability which you can then confirm ( I will give you the link to confirmation with your game offer) by Sunday 6pm ( you MUST confirm your games which will indicate to me that you know where and when you are supposed to be). 

If your availability changes between the time you submitted on line and the time I send you the game offers then you MUST inform me immediately rather than waiting till I assign the game and then telling me which would be hard because then I will have to remake the schedule.

Thank you

Fevri Pazari

PYSC Head Ref

P.S Just as players shows up on the fields allocated to them, same goes for refs. The club does NOT accept and does NOT accommodate any requests regarding preferred fields that a ref might be assigned. 

(Sunday by 6pm deadline – you reply to my email schedule to confirm your assignment(s) using the link I will provide with the game offer. You must reply before 6:00 p.m. on Sunday. Failure to do so will result in the game being taken away from you and assigned to someone else and you missing out that week and be left out the following week as well.