Here are the refs’ qualifications:
Small Sided Refs: These are refs who took the small sided clinic who must be 12 years old and older and who took and passed the 7v7 Test (taken on the side for first year refs and on line for returning Entry Level refs).
District Refs: All refs who took and passed the Entry Level Clinic become District Refs. These are refs who have taken the Entry level clinic (who must be 14 years old or older) and who took and passed 9v9 and 11v11 test. The Entry level refs after they pass the clinic become District Refs which is then split in age groups: Youth District (14/15 years old refs)/ Junior District (16/17 years old refs)/ Senior District (18 and older).
Also the District refs are then graded from Grade D1 to Grade D8 (based on age, score on test, performance on test, participation on education clinics, and discretion of DRCDistrict Ref Coordinator). To find out your personal data all you have to do is visit your profile on E2E ref centre. You can access it by going on the E2E ref centre. As for our club all we ask is: Are you small sided or/and District (aka Entry level) refs?
Annual Fees: Each year when you renew your membership with OSA and when you apply to ref for a club or/and a branch you will be asked to pay an administrative fee.
OSA Fee: The annual fee will be asked to be paid by each ref before renewing their membership with OSA each spring. The fees from OSA vary from $35 – $125 depending on your qualifications. You will find out your renewing fee when you will re register on the following year in the spring. Once again please remember that the fees are established by OSA and can be changed without notice by them.
Branch Fees: If you want to ref for the local ref’s branch (which covers mostly rep games and requires refs of higher level and experience) then you contact the branch. Their fees are different and might vary each year. Differently from OSA fee which is paid upfront the branch fee will only be paid at the season’s end and it will be deducted from your game honorariums.
Club Fees: PYSC does NOT apply any renewal fees for our refs. You want to join our club – PYSC- you will simply need to apply. PYSC is a separate organization from the local branch.
Thank you,
Fevri Pazari
PYSC Head Ref